April 24, 2010

JooJoo fails; Unprofessional makers could sell only 64 units

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Remember JooJoo? The forgotten Linux based tablet? Well, recent news are coming in that JooJoo is even more ill fated than we all thought. And it’s not just fate who is the culprit, it’s the unprofessional approach of the parent company Fusion Garage. It so happened that Fusion Garage emailed their customers to provide them […]

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April 15, 2010

15 best Facebook tips and tricks

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Aggregated here are some 15 really cool tips and tricks for Facebook. Some of them are really useful for increasing your productivity, some are privacy related and the rest few, well, just for fun. 1. How to remove ads on Facebook page Ads on your Facebook page can be quite irritating. To turn them off, […]

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How To: Increase or Normalize Volume in Media Player Classic April 10, 2010

How To: Increase or Normalize Volume in Media Player Classic

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Quick Tech Explorer Tutorial Media Player Classic bundled with K-Lite Mega Codec Pack is my favorite player for watching movies (VLC comes close second). But sometimes I do run into a problem where the volume of the movie is not properly normalized. The result is a very low sounding audio. Here is a small workaround for this. […]

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